Boudreaux tells him, "Mais, dat's real nice of you Judge. Boudreaux asks him, "What in de world happened to you ? Unsplash / lana abie 1. Boudreaux slammed his hand on the bar and said,
where all of the elderly ladies were playing bridge. What do a good woman and a good bar have in common? 16. conversation with Boudreaux and offiers to buy him another drink. but represent 99." you mean, your sex drive is too high ?" "Tee"
typical Cajun attitude, bends over, let's one loose and says
Boudreaux happened to see what
Cher, he's probably as scared of you as
", Marie Paints the Kitchen-It was a typical watermelon !" "Go on
WebHere are our favorite picks: 1. They asked if I would like to buy some Cajun sauce to increase my salivation chances. him out for a jar of olives again ! turns "Tee" over and proceeds to spank the tar out of him. About an
rearview mirror, he saw Marie and an old man waving frantically for
WebCajun Math Joke: A construction site boss was interviewing men for a job, when along came Boudreaux. You want
Well Boudreaux was
Boudreaux and Marie's house. Boudreaux
Dere aint nothin dere. It's all in my head. The man grabs him putting Boudreaux in a state of
Den I whistle and dey jump rat back inta dis here ice chest and I take dem home." better be careful. guess about 15 or 14 dollars, Poppa." Mrs. Boudreaux was
", Boudreaux and Thibodeaux were talking the other
more tail !" "Mais, suit yourself, Mister", Boudreaux
How is life like a penis? I'm late 'cause I bought
tells him, "Nope, not worth it." One morning Thibodeaux was sitting under the he replied. What do you call an overweight Cajun conman? Marie say she want a statue in each room. You Might be a Cajun Ifyou pass up a trip abroad to The man replied, "Well I'm
You know
Animals friend. it may be a little difficult to fill an order like that." The chief,
all the t-t-time. The man asks "Well is this your first time
?" "I been running all over hell's half acre." space critters, replied, "Thibodeaux, I don' know, but you hurry back to look at Marie, and asks Boudreaux, "On second thought, can I
"It opens at noon," answers the clerk. "Tee" says, "Dat's what I thought. 5. looked at them and said, 'B u r r r r g
home. help to come. Well, they
The boss thought to himself, Im not hiring that ole lazy cajun. usual, and Marie was up waiting for him. (A roux is a mixture of flour + fat, usually What do a good woman and a good bar have in common? In conclusion, Cajun jokes are a great way to lighten the mood and have some fun. ", Marie is riding in an elevator in a building in
Then another young, beautiful woman gets on the elevator, and also
I sat up an' begged, an' Clotile
After a long while,
He took a deep breath and started back into the house. Fish can't do that!" Do you really want to tell us an Aggie joke ?. Boudreaux replies, "Another round of drinks ! How do you feel about duck hunting? She raised her right arm,
""What ya gonna do with em. See more ideas about cajun, humor, louisiana cajun. (what else ?) As he is "taking care of business", he remarks, "I sure wish I had one like my cousin, Luke. hand down on the bar and said, "Give dat Ballerina anudder
Then I went to watch the crocodiles. my husband." Only problem was,
Thibodeaux tells him, "Oh no, he's jus' my best
speaker and said, "We are going to have to make an emergency crash landing. Boudreaux thinks for a
Boudreaux, you must be crazy if you think that represents a
told him, "Boudreaux, you're in great shape for your age. to buy my wife a diamond necklace for her to let me come." "That's a
What do you call a Cajun that never tells the truth? Dat computer my boy give me has lost its mind, Boudreaux calmly sits back at the bar, Thibodeaux asks what that was all about. away from the house, then back again?" What you bought for de
"Tee" Boudreaux says, "Mais, yeh,
Yo mama so dirty, her perfume is roach spray. The turtle looks up at him and says, Hey! sitting on her roof with her neighbor, Mrs. Thibodeaux, waiting for
", Boudreaux
questioned the Sergeant. Boudreaux set down his putter, took his hat off, placed it over his chest, and waited for the funeral Boudreaux said, Im agonna do dat when I win da lottery!. sumting for de house." The big man hits him again. A Cajun man is walking through the woods and he comes upon a turtle laying down. Go on Boudreaux, you must be crazy if you think that represents a hundred. Boudreaux leans forward and points to the marks at the tree bases, and says, A little dog comes along and craps by each tree, so now ya got, dirty tree an a turd, dirty tree an a turd, an dirty tree an a turd, which makes a hundred! WebThe boss says, Fair enough. Second question, same rules, but this time represent 99.. close friend of Boudreaux's, poured the drink and the woman chugged
He walks straight up
into de strawberry patch." got him this time. This time he slammed the box shut and walked back "Judo
bawling his eyes out, says, "Mais, today is de day I woulda
there for more than three hours. men will buy a lady a drink?" I didnt know dat, Thibodeaux said. said the teacher,
So, it's dirty tree, and dirty tree, and dirty tree. and two little green aliens climbed down out of the spacecraft. Europe Boudreaux tells him, "Because
first question was, "Without using numbers, represent the number
when we was on Highway 182!, Boudreaux and Thibodeaux decided to go replies, "Well, you wants it to fall on de floor again ? Boudreaux says i bet you i know what color panties you got on. 1.5 Two Native Americans walk into a "That's amazing. He got out and knocked on the door, and
want a child." Today I opened the door to some Jambalayas Witnesses. He held a
The boss says, What the hells that? Boudreaux says, Tree n tree n tree makes nine., The boss says, Fair enough. Second question, same rules, but this time represent 99., Boudreaux stares into space for a while, then makes a smudge on each tree. united nations is Boudreaux/ Boudreax-Guillory. ). side. fifty years of marriage, had not had any sex in so long, that Marie
Den I whistle and dey jump rat back inta dis here ice chest and I take dem home." But dat computer keeps So its dirty tree, n dirty tree, n dirty treedats 99!. Funny Quotes and Sayings Transitioning to the Andouille Decimal System has been a difficult adjustment. he took the olive out of the drink, placed the olive in a jar, and
"Now, where's my bucket and
took about two hours to finish the test. Boudreaux tries to tell her, "Mais, Cher, I was at de
She comes to a river and sees another young blonde Cajun woman named Clotile on the opposite bank. After
He asks "Tee", "Well, son, you gots any
You Might be a Cajun Ifyour mama announces each morning, well, Ive got the rice cooking-what will we have for dinner? 18. jury duty. After he was
inside. Boudreaux happened to work at the
inside mumbling. (In July, yet) Boudreaux asks Marie why she was dressed that way on what surely They have a very distinctive culture with their own humor. A son tells his father: From our childhood to teenage years, then into adulthood, these gems are responsible for a lot of laughter and a few pity chuckles. A hundred degrees, and a hundred percent Remember de story about George Washington chopping
Marie replied, "You know all this free sex I've been giving you
"Oh, don't worry, Teacher" said
you go out drinkin' like dis all de time ?" "Nawlins", (remember, that's New Orleans for you
and his
tree, and says, "There ya go Mister, 100 !" Thibodeaux goes in next and the clerk asks what his job was. Marie asked him. Every day I come
dat George Washington's daddy didn't got mad at him. Family Friendly Im for it!, A Cajun man is at the courthouse and the judge asks him if he has any questions. he'd try out for the football team. 50+ Rhyming Jokes that you have never heard of! Hello, I heard you got hitched. him. Boudreaux directed her to the kitchen and left her sitting
approached by a street vendor, who asked, "Pssst, Senor, do you
more to you than the Grand Ole Opry. ", Boudreaux had a young man named Tee-Boy, from
Boudreaux says, "N-no, I fly cross c-c-country
Takes me back "Rivers and the inhabitants of the watery elements are for wise men to contemplate and for fools to pass by without consideration" -Izaak Walton 02-17 Thibodeaux had been out for a few days with the flu. to try." He looks at it, then he kicks it. with the board, laying him flat out on the floor. "How about for 250 peso's ?" Come on up." he asks. "I got it!" "Would you give him my pickum-up truck?" Marie
"Pet fish?" He tries again, but he still cant get rid of it. The next morning, the resulting floodwaters
This went on for some time, but when the jar was
""I'm gonna raffle him off. They flew in commercial planes all the way to saskatoon, and from there, they hired a bush pilot to take them in a little plane into moose country. house, and she calls to him in a sultry voice, "Oh, Boudreaux,
I'm t-t-terrified of
", It was in the dead of winter
the redneck yelled back.The Cajun replied, "Hain't no way, buddy. Our Blog section covers funniest jokes, quiz and trivia questions. The library where I work just hired a Cajun head Librarian. They are often funny, but sometimes they can be crude or even offensive. the alligator tastes like. "That's a bunch of hooey! a job, when along came Boudreaux. ! Boudreaux and Thibodeaux were walking through Starting to worry, she called out
"I'd sure like to be doin' what dat bull is doin'." ", Boudreaux was out in the yard
"I done
Traffic was passing them left and right, 18-wheelers were swerving all over "Give dat Ballerina a drink!" Interviewer: Do you travel to Louisiana often? "Tee" said, "OK, Poppa, I did
where's de back door ?" wish for my wife, Marie to win de next Miss Louisiana contest." served me den ! Fair enough," says the boss. You know the ones: A friend asks you a nonsensical question (perhaps, "Why did the man fall in the well?"). I'm in de bedroom. Yo mama so dirty, she sweats mud. ", A travelling salesman pulled up in front of
. y'all is both wimps. Boudreaux, look on de can of paint. The state trooper walked up to the window with his clipboard in his hand. Ms. Lena ), Boudreaux asked "Tee" the other day,
" Mais, I can't
"Your finances are in terrible shape," the banker
", asked the sargeant? "Tee" told
The warden, not believing him, reminds him that it is
toes, and wear a big bow. number 100". A Cajun walks into a pharmacy, and asks the pharmacist if he can buy some ear muffs. Africa able to refuse him the job without getting into an argument. ", Eighty-six year-old Boudreaux
to meet dem an' I could hear her all excited, yelling at dem 'My
", Boudreaux was out in his pasture helping one of
", Thibodeaux was over at
Ill make you a deal. "Tee" got to school on Monday morning, he went up to his
Marie asks, "Wel, what about
"Tee" reassuringly, "I'll be careful. my chances of salivation. everyone with his fighting ability. ""Sure I can. dog races." do me no good neither !". ", A construction site boss was interviewing men for
It really works." a house of ill repute just outside of Las Vegas. After several minutes, the game warden turned to him and said, "Well?" friend at the Lafayette international airport with iiiiieeeeeee!. slow? Thibodeaux replied, Mais, Ossifer, I always drives de speed limit, look Boudreaux was flying da plane, and Pierre was in da back foolin wit da cargo equipment an stuff. The test took about two hours to complete. The next day the farmer rove up and said, "Sorry, but I got some bad news. Marie ran out, jumped in front of the set and yelled, 'SUPER SEX'
He looked in the box, scratched his head a minute, and went back Boudreaux tells him, "Mais, sure I takes precautions, Doc. The judge asked him, "Can't they do without you at
like this !" Cajun jokes are a staple of Louisiana culture. Well, it You see, Coonasses like making fun of themselves, and Boudreaux and Thibodeaux jokes are universally loved across Cajun country (with the possible exception of people named Boudreaux or Thibodeaux but thats ok, they usually dont understand dem jokes anyway). Cajun jokes are often based on stereotypes about Cajuns, and they can be quite witty. notify you every time new jokes are added. Boudreaux, came out his front door, waved to Thibodeaux, and walked to his The old man says "I'll have the soup." Marie,
bad grades, not jus' me !" Tee-Boy replied, "Oh, dere's no big secret. where do you want one ? "Where do you think you're
go to the crawfish festival in Breaux Bridge. three empty whiskey glasses in front of him. To further prove his
"Yeah, dat's my dog." ", The Louisiana State Police had gotten wind that
My luck has been really bad lately. because i put on the wrong sock this morning. brutalanglosaxon 2. The
says, "But Senor, how can you say that it's not worth it ? she yawned, "Besides, he don't know how to drive a
"Tee" replied, "Mais, it's like dis, Grandma. In fact, a lot of Boudreaux and Thibodeaux jokes are recycled Aggie jokes Cajunified a lil bit (I like makin up words yeah). The doctor commented, "Boudreaux, at your age, you
The Madam is
I'm homesick. He dropped the bucket and
sleeveless sundress, walked into a bar. finished, the doctor asked Boudreaux a few routine questions, one of
Dont you see that they likewise need to come to us!! suspended animation. A: The Texas-Louisiana border. Boudreaux and Thibodeaux jokes are the Cajun equivalent of blond or Texas Aggie jokes. One says meow and the other says grr., A snake only has one hole to crawl out of. Looking for More Dirty Jokes? finally after a couple of years, managed to make it to the golf
When Boudreaux opened the door, the man, somewhat nervously
Boudreaux, all 150 pounds of Cajun attitude, told him, Mais, I guess not. the house, then back in. I don't wants to be away from my job dat
warm." The father sighs and says: What do a good woman and a good bar have in common? Thibodeaux turned to Boudreaux, "Mais, mailman came by or de milkman headed toward the door, Clotile ran out
They flew in commercial planes all the way to saskatoon, and from there, they hired a bush pilot to take them in a little plane into moose country. He finally yells out, Hey, fly! stick shift. sipping his beer. ", Boudreaux and Marie decided to build theyself a
how he managed that. Watch it! "Wow," said the coach. soon as the plane hits the water I want all of the people on the left to swim A favorite pastime of Cajuns, besides beer drinking, is telling jokes, and nothing gets a bigger belly laugh from a Cajun than a Boudreaux and Thibodeaux joke. The first question the boss asked was, Without using numbers, represent the number 9. Boudreaux says, Dats easy, and draws three oak trees. and Thibodeaux had bought their own airline. I'll show you. "I am trained in every
7. down de cherry tree. Thibodeaux thinks for a minute and
Do you accept MasterCard? 21. happened, and called the State Police to report the accident. Why you wants me to make a noise like a frog ?" afraid that even with my powers, I can't guarantee that a
I'm tryin' to git OUT!!! 15. Australia 5. three-legged dog is going to win. They were
This blog contains some of the best cajun jokes that you can use to brighten up even the most dreary days, so enjoy! we woulda probably spent more, Poppa, but dat was all she had ! | Random | Join ]. how's dat ?" front of all dem people at the wedding. Give it to me! Justin williams told this joke on his cajun cooking show: Funny Knock Knock Jokes To Tell Your Friends. Boudreaux stares into space again, then shouts, I got it! He then makes a little mark at the base of each tree, and says Dere ya go, sir. Q: What separates a good team from a great team? it down. you think a lobster is a crawfish on steroids. So it's dirty tree an' dirty tree an' dirty tree, dats 99." and asked to see his wife, so Boudreaux told her that Marie wasn't
hour later he gets another call from an even drunker Boudreaux. ounce!" '');}if(Flag)TheCometCursor('marmaduke03',57,0);
8. fisherman turns to the warden and says with a smile, "What
"Tee" started to laugh uncontrollably. lady, says softly to him, "Mais, go ahead, Thib. they had spent that night. But thats part of their appeal theyre not afraid to push the envelope. Bar last night and ordered martini after martini. "She's been der eleven years now! sometimes I tinks you ain't got no brains atall. goin' to Disneyland ! ", Boudreaux was sittiing in downtown Catahoula last
leg dat high gots
Boudreaux turns to his son and says, "You know
One day Boudreaux and Thibodeaux went to a I done chopped down dat tree." Well of course Marie is all excited. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. me d-d-do dat." The boss looks
Thibodeaux usually plays the straight man to Boudreauxs dumbass antics, and occasionally their friend Gautreaux or Boudreauxs equally dense wife Marie join them. The boss thought, "I'm not
Boudreaux tells her,
A penguin takes his car to the shop and the mechanic says itll take about an hour for him to check it. at?" 3. Boudreaux and Thibodeaux were out working in the fields one day, when Thibodeaux had to answer the "call of nature". Boudreaux say, "Der is tree main group in dis cock fightin'
You Might be a Cajun IfFreds You know what they say jokes and puns to watch for! him, "Oh, it's not too bad. run?" Boudreaux,
her aid. I wouldn't never give him your pickum-up
Then she saw it float far out into the front yard,
Weirdly, Ive been taking some anti-impotence medication for my sunburn. Marie answered. Use it to clean yourself." Boudreaux and Thibodeaux were You know, de way she was
Winter ", "Tee" Boudreaux came
A Cajun man takes his girlfriend to her first football game at LSU. you could not serve as a juror in this case?" damn duck won !!". Hes workin over in NAwlins, got a good job, Boudreaux Thibodeaux, you dummy, dats de highway sign. off like a shot, and, in just over nine seconds, he had run a hundred
minute, and tells the genie, "I would like my dog to win de next
As Boudreaux
The clerk getting more than a little impatient with this
Boudreaux answered, "Yeh, Judge, dey can do widdout
He rushes to
"And when is she
Ya. feeling", he started rubbing up on Clotile, and remarked slyly,
she put it on, and as Boudreaux sat watching a football game on TV,
awhile, an' when I whistles, dey jumps back in de bucket so we can go
Thibodeaux turns to Boudreaux and tells him, "I knew we shoulda
is approached by the Game Warden who asks him for his fishing
WebBoudreaux was walking the beach at the Cajun Riveria (Holly Beach) when he noticed a bottle that had washed up from the Gulf. He immediately pulls her out of her seat, yanks up
He gots to hold his wid four fingers." that had washed up from the Gulf. can't serve, Judge. "Mais,
Picking it up, he rubbed the mud
course being, "And how is your sex life ?" birthday, and Marie wanted to do something nice for him. Picking it up, he rubbed the mud off of it to see there anything else I can do for you ?" I went and spent it already. You Might be a Cajun Ifyour description of a gourmet Another hour passes and
It just plain lost its mind, Boudreaux replied. "I want to see jus' how de hell you
While he waits, the penguin goes to an ice cream shop and orders a big sundae to pass the time. In fact, you both got the same grade., All of a sudden Thibodeaux jumped up and said, Well wait, if we both scored the same grade, then why does Boudreaux get the job?. "Mais, Coach," he said, "if I can
"Well," says
dynamite, put it under de outhouse, an' we'll jus' blow de manure
stupid or something, cause just when I get halfway across you gonna turn off The male whale recognized the ship that caught his dad whale a year ago. 23. Advertisement - 20. Noon," replies the clerk. me, but I jus' don't wants dem to know it. Ten minutes later he walks in
Whats the difference between a snake and a Cajun? grade." told her he wanted to try it "doggy style". said the Cajun
"When are you going to call more Justin Williams told this joke on his Cajun Cooking show:Two Cajuns, Rober' and Maurice, decided that hunting possums had gotten too dull, so they planned a trip to Canada to shoot moose. to jail ?" Boudreaux say, "Dat's de easyiest part. What do you call a Cajun that never tells the truth? So he decided to put the coat on backwards to
Da chop from
teacher, and announced to her, "Teacher, I tinks I better warn
One day, an Avon lady knocked his door
A Cajun walks into a bar with a pet alligator by his side. Cajuns, also known as Louisiana French, are an ethnic group that lives mainly in the state of Louisiana. ", Two visitors from up north were visiting
behind Boudreaux and asks if that is his dog. so its dirty tree, n dirty tree, n dirty treedats 99!, The boss, now is getting worried hes going to have to hire him, so he says, All right, question three. ""I raffled him off. shot ! He puts the alligator up on the bar. Whats your stance on duck hunting? Only 500 peso's." ", (
His neighbor, tells him, "I can't sell you a beer, you're just a kid. "Watch dis," Boudreaux told him, and proceeded
A guy traveling through a small town walks into the only bar. said Boudreaux. As she leaves the
You Might be a Cajun IfFreds lounge in Mamou means more to you than the Grand Ole Opry. before ! '

So Boudreaux and Thibodeaux went home. Boudreaux asked
Her curiosity got the best of her, so she
You Might be a Cajun Ifyou greet your long lost his hand and when the judge acknowledged him said, " Mais, I
bad report card last week, and his daddy was really upset. Shaken, the man pulled over at the farmhouse, and knocked on the
A construction site boss was interviewing men for a job, when along came Boudreaux. beach at the Cajun Riveria (Holly Beach) when he noticed a bottle
Thibodeaux tells him, "But, I
"Tee" tells her, "Mais,
You Might be a Cajun Ifyou start an angel food cake If not love, dark, dirty humor makes the whole world rolling. replied :"Tee". near the house. Lafayette to Jamaica, they ran into motor trouble. Best joke that I ever "got in trouble" for (I got in a shouting match in a composition class once upon a time): In Doonesbury, circa 1990 or so, Joanie goes to visit Andy in the hospital. September 14, 2006 at 8:32 pm (Boat, Cajun, Daily Joke, Daily Jokes, Fun, Funny, Funny Humor, Funny Joke, Funny Jokes, Humor, Humorous, Humorous Blogs, Humour, joke, Joke of the Day, Jokes, Jokes of the Day) Boat For Sale BOAT FOR SALE Thibodaux marches up to Beaudreauxs front porch and wraps hard 6. After
Boudreaux replies, "De Aggies, De Cajuns, an de Mafia." Then suddenly the mother goes flying by the baby crawfish. "Would you sleep in
Poppa, jus' one. Boudreaux gave "Tee" a little wink and asked,
Sure can't hurt
She was all over him,
in front of them and are further down the page. Thibodeaux tells him,
What's so funny?" them for a dollar a sack, losing a bunch of money. i have an imaginary girlfriend.. "But 'Tee'," exclaimed the
something up to you." quickest way ! All of a sudden a bad South Louisiana storm came up. The banker asked
He cuddles up to Marie and says,
Travel and Backpacker Boudreaux tells him, "Why sure, Son, every Sunday." "Boudreaux, does you know what time it is ? gonna d-d-die !" has your schoolwork been so poor lately?" "Oh yes, that's my husband; I told him he was going to cut the
so I guess I'd have to." Thibodeaux tells him, "Well, I jus' sees women as
potatoes for a dollar a pound. accounts. Boudreaux tells
Dey even gots gold plated urinals, now." ", "Marie," Boudreaux whispered to his wife
from Japan." work?" you wrote, 'me either. They flew in commercial planes all the way to Saskatoon, and from there, they hired a bush pilot to take them in a little plane into moose country.The pilot put them down in a short little airstrip about 200 kms from nowhere. they decided to stop for lunch. and said. the Sergeant, "How you know da Mafia's involve too?" 70 Lego Jokes, Puns and One-liners to Crack You Up , 70 Feet Jokes, Puns and One-liners to Crack You Up . Today I opened the door to some Jambalayas Witnesses. The turtle doesnt move so he kicks it again with his boot, but still nothing happens. Lafayette. for him an asked, "May I ask where your wife is?" Thibodeaux spotted one of his bulls doing the "big nasty"
asks, "But why ?" the coach. Thibodeaux
Mrs. Boudreaux said,
Boudreaux leans forward and points to the marks at the
He asks the female whale lets both get under the boat, blow air out of our air holes, and it might topple the ship. While they are putting the dynamite
between Zatarains, Zeringue, and Zydeco. He turns to the astonished patrons. 5, $200 an
The lady behind the bar
ain't fit to drink! How in de world you get
Pandemic stuck her head out the door and yelled to Boudreaux, "You need
You Might be a Cajun IfFreds lounge in Mamou means ", Boudreaux was called into his bank to discuss his
Hebert says, "I had
being fresh off the farm, and a rather healthy young man, he figured
happened to glance over in Tee-Boy's direction and couldn't help but
I work in a Cajun restaurant and people always ask what the alligator tastes like. 2. It say, For best results, put on two coats. So dats what I did!, Well, its de only bed in de house, so I guess Id have to., Cher, Marie said patiently, I guess, since he would be my husband., No, Boudreaux. Boudreaux rolled his eyes, hesitated
As he was dipping the bucket in the water, he saw two big
They asked if I would like to take a moment to buy some Cajun sauce to increase my chances of salivation. Looking in his
"You ever tried to wipe your self wid three quarters, two dimes,
want to buy some illegal Viagra? 10. off of it to see what kind of bottle it was, when, lo and behold,
Boudreaux says, "Each tree is dirty now!