Berg: 37% of seniors do not go on to attend college after graduation, and not all desire to. She has been part of the strategic planning process for over 15 years. In the Pewaukee School District we embrace our mission to open the door to each child's future. Freedom to Read Statement Not only is our middle school recieving the most updates in its facilities, it will be transitioning to house 6th, 7th, and 8th grade next year. Closed Session Regarding Operations Supervisor, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer, Riverside Preserve and Pewaukee Lake Water Ski Club. In the fourth installment of the "Open Mike" Podcast, Dr. Cady is accompanied by our fantastic Asa Clark Middle School Principals, Mr. Pizzo and Mrs. Spadoni. Board of Education; Meet the Board Members; Guidelines for Citizen Participation at Board Meetings . The Freeman: What is your greatest achievement? Ian Clark, City Alderperson Dux: I believe that every child should have access to a high quality education and it is my goal to ensure that the Pewaukee School District provides that education in a fiscally responsible manner. BOEBrochure_November2022.pdf, 20.77 MB; (Last Modified on Friday at 8:20 AM) Pewaukee School District. I will be a vocal and voting champion of all students, focusing on how we do the most good. Meeting Agendas and Approved Minutes, Monday: 9:00am 8:00pm My childrens achievements become my achievements because you celebrate with and for your children. Resolutions for General Obligation Bonds for Machinery, Equipment and Public Works Building, Resolution to Amend Fees Related to Forest Hill Cemetery, Award of Bid for Department of Public Works Facility, Draft 2022 Budget, Oakton Ave Railroad Crossing - no left turn, Resuming Zoom Meetings. Shes had the pleasure of meeting a variety of people and experienced a broad variety of cultures. Zupke: Mental health challenges and awareness have always been important issues, but the once-in-a-lifetime pandemic accelerated and exacerbated an already-troubling challenge. Seeing the excitement in my children knowing that Im involved in helping make their educational experience the best it could be is all the encouragement I need to step up and serve in this role. If our students are not mentally healthy, how can they progress academically and socially? Pewaukees campus services help, but we need more. concerts, Board of Education meetings, and more. PEWAUKEE, WI At its July 30 meeting, the Pewaukee School District Board of Education voted to adopt a resolution for a referendum question to be placed on the November ballot. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Creating a strategic plan is no easy task. She also plays piano, loves the arts, and enjoys attending concerts and theater. 458 Lake Street Pewaukee, WI 53072 262-695-5051 Fax: 262-695-5033 The Pewaukee School District makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, including, without limitation, those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with respect to any services provided by the system and any information or software contained therein. Presentation Regarding Fire Department and Closed Session Regarding Fire and EMS Agreement. Email:
Each day 10,000 skilled trades baby boomers retire. He has served as a Wisconsin Forward Award (WFA) Examiner since 2004 and has participated in nine WFA site visits. Develop a targeted educational plan that increases class time, including summer school, targeting those areas such as reading, English and math. Please follow us on our other . While it's true that our district is performing at a level above average for the state, our students are capable of more in this area, and it is our duty to find the best tools to help them to achieve as data shows us that math, more than reading, is the best predictor of future academic success. Marys experience in the teaching profession includes K-12 math and science at University Lake School, math and science at Bryant Stratton and Waukesha County Technical colleges, and high school math in the Shorewood School District. Saturday: 9:00am 4:00pm Email:
Closed Session Regarding School Resource Officer, Fire & EMS Agreement, Village Administrator and Police Chief. _____ Brian K. Kammers, Board President . In addition, there are two standing Board of Education committees that meet regularly. Their answers were limited to 100 words. Bren sings and has been on the Music Ministry Team @ Springcreek Church for the past 17 years. PSD includes four schools (two elementary schools, one middle school and one high school) housed on an 85-acre . Lake Weed Collection, Strategic Planning Workshop, Sidewalk Cost Share Agreement, 2022 Budget Workshop Scheduling, Checks and Invoices for July 2021, 2020 Audit, Beach House Bistro Right-of-Way, New Liquor License and Closed Session Regarding Riverside Preserve Developers Agreement. Pewaukee School District ~Opening the Door To Each Child's Future, 404 Lake St. Pewaukee, WI 53072 Phone: 262-691-2100 Fax: 262-691-1052. Chris Krasovich, Village Trustee Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. These committees are: Business Affairs and Policy Committee, Location: Policy Committee & Business Affairs Committee meets in the Pewaukee High School Library; Regular Board Meeting meets in the Pewaukee High School Learning Commons (510 Lake St. Pewaukee, WI). Additionally, she helps with the PSU Soccer club and her daughters dance program. Follow him on Twitter at @AlecJohnson12. Zupke: My children! The Board is comprised of three representatives appointed by the President of the Village of Pewaukee, three representatives appointed by the Mayor of the City of Pewaukee, and a representative of the Pewaukee School District (appointed by the Superintendent) who is a City of Pewaukee resident. He was a member of the team which wrote and edited the WFA application for Community Memorial Hospital in 2006. The district adopted a continuous improvement framework based on the Malcolm Baldrige criteria in 2007 and the district received the Wisconsin Governors Award of Excellence in 2010 and the National Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award in 2013. Ordinance Regarding the Prohibition on Transient Commercial Uses in Residential Districts, Digital Delivery of Village Meetings, Ford Motor Company Release, Pier at the end of Lake Street, 2023 Budget, Committee Appointments, Aquatic Plant Policy Review, Liaisons to work with Waukesha County Center for Growth, Ordinance relating to Prohibitions on the Breeding, and/or Selling Dogs, Cats, Rabbits or other Exotic or Endangered Animals, Strategic Plan Progress, Letter of Credit Reduction for The Glen at Pewaukee Lake, Professional Services for Ruekert/Mielke, Proposed Budget, Committee Appointments, Monthly Checks. Flammang: First, there is a lot to like. 4 running for Pewaukee School District Board of Education on Tuesday. Sunday: Closed, City of Pewaukee The district is staffed by 296 employees and operates under a budget of $28.6 million. Ordinance Regarding Current Fee Schedule and Village Board Meeting Time, Resolution Regarding EMS/Rescue Call Charges, Strategic Planning, Employee Handbook, Oakton Ave Railroad Crossing, Gifting of Service Weapon for Deputy Chief Garry, Beachfront Safety, Reschedule of Meetings, Special Village Board Meeting, Staff Car for Police Chief, Checks and Invoices. MetaSearch is intended for research, information and reference purposes only. Prices range from $1 to $2 per item. 235 Hickory Street
Thursday, May 4. It is important to me that the overall educational curriculum reflect the needs and values of the students, parents/guardians, and the community at large. Jeanne Witthun is a lifelong member of the community who has been on the Pewaukee Board of Education since 2012. This means preparing graduates for 2020 as well as looking ahead to the needs of our 4K students who will walk out our doors in 2033! Pewaukee,WI 53072
Im a firm believer we have some of the best teachers in the state. That verbiage was changed to unvaccinated staff are recommended to wear masks. Wright (inc.):The Pewaukee School District has implemented a strategic plan for over 20 years, and we have seen enormous growth utilizing the input we receive from all stakeholders. Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way. The second issue to address is the continued growth in the number of students attending the Pewaukee School District. Episode Three: PHS Principal Advisory Board, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Mary is a former executive search consultant and past president of Robert E. Larson & Associates, Inc., and a past president of the Data Processing Management Association Milwaukee Chapter. She has two grandchildren in the PSD, Hailey in 7th and Jay in 10th. I would like to see the district promote careers in the trades more openly. Fax: 262-691-1052. However, the positive result from this openness has been more involvement from parents and taxpayers, which I welcome. Photo courtesy of Pewaukee School District. Ashley has also been involved in the district as a mentor in the insight program at the high school since 2019.Ashley enjoys traveling, spending time with her family and friends, horseback riding, attending and volunteering at church, skiing, hiking, boating, and cheering her kids on in their sports. Trustee Appreciation Event October 4, 2022. Leaders agree, to resolve the gap, students need to be exposed as early as the third grade. Whether to help them manage challenges, or further challenge them. I feel it is important for the district to identify and provide assistance to both children and staff needing mental health resources. This mission guides our ongoing improvement efforts as we seek to maximize the potential of each learner. STAFF. Krasovich: Im enthusiastic about serving on aboardthat maintains a laser-sharp focus not on politics, but on people; namely the children of our district. Address: N26W26232 Quail Hollow Road, Pewaukee, Past political experience: No past political experience. Over 2,500 students are edu Stacey served as treasurer of the PTO and the Booster Club, as well as president of the Booster Club. Board of Education 404 Lake Street, Pewaukee WI 53072 . Culturally, we became too focused on college being the next step for students after highschool. $(document).ready(function () {
Resolution for Inclusion Under ETF's Group Life Insurance, Strategic Plan Implementation Progress, Employee Handbook, 2023 Draft Budget, Police Garage Roof, Capstone Project Committee, Check and Invoice Approvals. The results of the survey indicated a high level of support for the district to take immediate action to address its capacity needs and ensure the continued viability of its single-campus model.The process led to a campus plan identifying projects at all schools, including the renovation of Asa Clark Middle School (ACMS) to include sixth-grade students. I am also supportive of efforts to increase transparency and communication with parents and taxpayers that will be accomplished through a redesigned website. Saturday, May 6. A recent statistic indicated 31 million skilled trades workers retired in 2020. Lastly, continue to work hand-in-hand with WCTC to introduce our students to these valuable careers and their advantages. 404 Lake Street Pewaukee, WI 53072 In the months to come, we will engage in a transparent and ongoing communication effort to ensure all members of our community are informed and have the opportunity to provide their feedback.The Pewaukee School District is a public 4K-12 district offering an award-winning, future-ready education to more than 3,000 students on a unique, single-campus setting. Closed Session Regarding 509 Prospect and Lake Weeds. This gives those students an improved opportunity for a robust foundation to start the next school year. Email:
We are thankful for the resources provided, allowing us to offer a top-notch education for students, in addition to the high level of engagement we receive from our volunteers, mentors and business partners. Dux: Local school boards are intended to be nonpartisan with a singular focus on advocating for and supporting the education of the children attending schools in the district so that the children can achieve their highest potential. At the District Office, our leaders have drafted action plans to support the Strategic Plan focusing on key initiatives including an emphasis on greater personalization of learning, ensuring students are future ready, wellness, employee engagement, communication and digital citizenship. 404 Lake Street Pewaukee, WI 53072 Berg:Families have endured so much over the past two years. Community involvement: I have been a volunteer in the Pewaukee School district for fiveyears in a variety of roles. 404 Lake St. (262) 695-5037. Ordinance Regarding Transient Merchants, Approving Boundaries and Project Plan for Tax Increment District 4, Pewaukee Lake Water Ski Club Lease Agreement, Road Project Award, Temporary Development Agreement, Reimbursement Request for TID #3, Funding of July 4th Fireworks, National Day of Prayer at Lakefront Park, 2022 Road and Utility Improvement Projects, 2022 Crack Sealing Proposals, Equipment Purchases, Transient Merchant Licenses, and EMS Agreement. I couldn't be more grateful for the commitment to excellence in all of our staff." . $(document).ready(function () {
Ultimately, everyone has a political view and those views will shape how one will vote regardless of how "non-partisan" one claims to be. The group discusses all the exciting adaptations and additions coming to Asa. I hope that the momentum from this increased awareness will continue to keep parents actively engaged in what is going on within the schools, creating an impactful partnership between the district, parents and our general community. elementary schools, one middle school and one high school) housed on an 85-acre campus that serves students from both the city and village of Pewaukee. Sawall:The last two years presented challenges to students that left some with an educational gap.Statewide test scores and in our district demonstrate reduced proficiency in reading, Englishand math. Executive Assistant to the Superintendent of Schools & Board Of Education. Our teachers, administrators and support staff are committed to learning and improving as we take on the challenge of providing a more innovative and progressive learning experience for our students. More: Here's what to know about the candidates running for Pewaukee Village Trustee in the April election. Past political experience: I am completing my second term with the Pewaukee School Board (sixyears total). Closed Session Regarding Riverside Preserve and the Village Administrator. The Cudahy School District Board voted in favor of requiring masks this fall for all students and staff. Regular Board of Education Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and are held the second and fourth Monday of each month in the Pewaukee High School Learning Commons (510 Lake Street Pewaukee, WI) unless otherwise noted. Now News Group asked the candidates questions about the Pewaukee School District's strategic plan, what they see as the district's top priority and district services they would like to see improved. This profile will be used in developmentally appropriate ways for all 4K-12 students focusing on the 6 Cs of Contribute, Create, Compete, Connect, Commit, and Care. Board members are elected by vote of the entire District and represent the entire District. Closed Session on Attorney Agreement, Fire & EMS Agreement, and Village Administrator. Strategic Plan Update, Changes to the Residential Infill Overlay District, Closing Village Hall on July, 3, 2023, Liquor License Reserves, Newsletter Options, Engineering Services for 1010 Quinlan Dr Water Reservoir Rehabilitation, Fire and EMS Fee Research, Checks and Invoices. Due to the weather, Pewaukee School District's campus is closed February 16, 2023. Closed Session Regarding Riverside Preserve Developers Agreement, 460 Park Ave Property Maintenance.
In addition, the resolution seeks to address needs for additional physical education space at Horizon Elementary, student services and administrative office space needs at Pewaukee High School (PHS), new library and additional classroom spaces at PHS and campus parking and infrastructure.This plan was generated through a strong collaborative process with our community and provides the capacity and progressive learning spaces necessary to meet the needs of students in our growing community, said Superintendent Mike Cady. The district passionately commits to its mission of opening the door to each child's future. Report a typo or error // Submit a news tip. Please take time to review this information and contact your school principal or the Superintendent if you have questions. Get Digital Material Community members are welcome to attend these open meetings. $('span#sw-emailmask-46').replaceWith('');
We have been successful in bringing healthcare providers onto the PSD campus in order to help ensure access for all. Most recently, Mary deployed to the Mediterranean with the U.S. Navy as a math instructor in their College Afloat program, and, in like capacity, deployed three times to the Eastern Pacific with the U.S. Coast Guard. She has enjoyed her involvement as a volunteer in the Pewaukee Schools which included field trip chaperone, library assistance, classroom helper, Math Mentor and Makerspace. Wright:Mental health services and providing more future educational and career access for all students.
She received a degree in Nursing from Riverland Community College in Minnesota in 1994. After working as a nurse she moved into a Management role and assumed the position of Regional Nurse/Clinical Manager overseeing the building, hiring, and operations of clinics throughout several states. I would like the district to revisit the purpose section of the strategic plan to do a better job focusing on careers in the trades. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Public Hearing on an ordinance to create Planned Unit Development Overlay District for 227 Sussex St.; Ordinances to Create Planned Unit Development Overlay District for 227 Sussex St., Acknowledgment of the 2021 WPDES Storm Water Discharge Permit Annual Report, Strategic Plan Implementation progress; Development agreement for Pewaukee Self Storage; Approval of checks; Donation and Lease Agreement with Pewaukee Lake Water Ski Club for the Lakefront Park Ski Pier and Platforms, Draft Aquatic Collection Policy, Transient Merchant Licenses, Committee Appointments.
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