You will receive an email from us as soon as the record has been set up (if you provide an email on theregistration form). Use caution when dealing with third parties and consult their terms of use and privacy policies. You consent to the jurisdiction of and venue in such courts and waive any objection as to inconvenient forum. You are hereby prohibited from accessing or using the Platform from any territory where the Platform or any of the features, functionality, tools, content thereof, is illegal. If the bank notifies us during the registration (prenote) process that they cannot verify your account, such as due to is an issue with the account number or routing number, we will notify you by mail. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO YOUR USE OF THE PLATFORM AND ANY LINKED USERS USE OF THE SERVICES UNDER YOUR ACCOUNT IS AND REMAINS WITH YOU. Use our secure online portal to track fuel usage, set limits and manage your fleet. You should review any planned financial transactions that may have tax or legal implications with your personal tax or legal advisor.Securities products are provided by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (also referred to as "MLPF&S", or "Merrill"), a registered broker-dealer, registered investment adviser, Member SIPClayer, and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation. (b)Business days: For purposes of these disclosures, our business days are (Monday through Friday). You are solely responsible for any fees or charges incurred to access the App through an internet access provider or other third party, including without limitation data charges incurred if you are not connected to WiFi access, charges to receive SMS messages or other mobile access, which may be billed to you or deducted from your prepaid balance by your mobile provider. Cumberland Farms. So let's say you get paid in a few days but you're out of food, gas and smokes. Some cookies are necessary for our website to function necessary cookies while other cookies are used for site analytics and advertising optional cookies. My account is blocked. If you choose to access or use those features, functionality, tools or content or participate in those promotions, the applicable Supplemental Terms are also incorporated and deemed part of these Terms of Use.If there is a conflict between these Terms of Use and the Supplemental Terms, the Supplemental Terms will govern and control with respect to the applicable features, functionality, tools, content and promotions.PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF USE, OUR PRIVACY NOTICE, PLATFORM RULES AND ALL APPLICABLE SUPPLEMENTAL TERMS (COLLECTIVELY, THE TERMS) CAREFULLY, AS THEY CONTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS THAT IMPACT YOUR RIGHTS, OBLIGATIONS AND REMEDIES IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR USE OF THE PLATFORM. Similarly, we may make third-party ads and other third-party services, which we also may not control, available to you on or via our Platform. Our collection and use of information about Users is governed by our Privacy Notice. About the Terms2. 7.2 Apps Downloaded from Third Party App Stores. Here's how it works: We gather information about your online activities, such as the searches you conduct on our Sites and the pages you visit. Our failure to exercise any right or enforce any obligation under these Terms of Use or to take action with respect to a breach by you or others will not constitute a waiver of such right, obligation or breach. 1586 or ext. Any time you access or use the Platform, you are required to comply with our User conduct guidelines, as set forth below. I'm FULL of tips and tricks and look forward to sharing and learning. Launch the app and tap the button labeled "Pay for gas." A login screen appears. For business/fleet Users, in order to use the SmartPay Business App, Fastrac Fleet Services or Fastrac Business, business/fleet Users must receive credit approval from Company or a third party service provider through a separate credit application process. ChromeFirefoxEdge. Your registration can be processed much faster if we have an email address to communicate with you. We will use it only to: Direct deposit automatically places your payment into your checking or savings account. This may temporarily disrupt your access to your Account while Company verifies your new payment information. Links to such websites, resources or services do not imply any endorsement by Company of such websites, resources or services or the content, products or services available on or through such websites, resources or services. I will never ever ever support a Cumberland farms business again. However, the information you provide may be disclosed if necessitated by legal processes such as subpoena or court order. At this rate, how long will it take me to pay off this credit card balance? GET TO KNOW US. Why do I need to take GSA SmartPay training? If you choose to access the Platform from a location outside the United States, you do so at your own risk and you are solely responsible for compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, including export laws and any regulations and local laws regarding online conduct and content. Your Log In using Windows Hello wasn't successful. You have choices when it comes to protecting your accounts. We strive to provide you with information about products and services you might find interesting and useful. You may register to create an Account directly via the App or our websites. You may designate Linked Users at any time. Let our flexible savings options put your money to work and your future in sight. Subject to the above arbitration provisions, you and Company agree that any and all disputes, claims and actions, at law or in equity, arising out of or relating to or in connection with the Terms or the breach, termination, enforcement, interpretation or validity thereof, or to the use of the Platform and Services (collectively, Disputes) shall be brought in the federal or state courts located in New York, New York and each of us agrees that such courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any such actions, except that Company retains the right to submit a Dispute to any court of competent jurisdiction. Create new account Log in GSA SmartPay Site, Create new accountLog inGSA SmartPay site. You will need to log into SmartPay Rewards and go to manage my account or call ZipLine at 1-800-210-1265 to change your PIN number. All Updates will be deemed part of the App and be subject to all terms and conditions of the Terms.You agree that Company has no obligation to provide any updates or to continue to provide or enable any particular features, functionality, tools or content, and will not be liable with respect to any such modifications, discontinuance or deletions. You agree that Company is not liable in any way for any third party charges. Convenient and secure, our personal credit cards are accepted everywhere. All rights reserved. Refinance your existing mortgage and get cash out. No Judgement, just advice! MLPF&S makes available certain investment products sponsored, managed, distributed or provided by companies that are affiliates of Bank of America Corporation.Bank of America Private Bank is a division of Bank of America, N.A., Member FDIC and a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation. Please complete the Direct Deposit formand return the form to us. Miscellaneous1. It typically takes ten to fifteen business days to process a registration form that is complete. Check your browser address bar to make sure you're on our real website: Your saved User ID helps us personalize your visitHow we collect and use information. We'll find a branch near you. The SSPS statewide vendor and Direct Deposit Registration forms are for DCYF child-care providers, licensed child care centers, foster care and adoption support providers for direct deposit payments from the Department of Children, Youth, and Families Social Service Payment System (SSPS). IN THE EVENT THAT THE FOREGOING LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IS DETERMINED BY A COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION TO BE UNENFORCEABLE, COMPANYS AGGREGATE LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT AND THE SERVICES SHALL BE LIMITED TO ONE HUNDRED U.S. Except as otherwise expressly set forth herein, the Terms do not and are not intended to confer any rights or remedies upon any person other than the parties hereto. Company cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with the above requirements. Those using a payment card only receive the discount for the first 30 days of enrollment. We have the competitive rates of a national bank and the personal service of a local institution, which makes lending a real pleasure for both of us. We've got big news about SmartPay. You acknowledge and agree that Apple and its subsidiaries, are third-party beneficiaries of the Terms as related to your license of the App Store Download, and that, upon your acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Terms, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce the Terms as related to your license of the App Store Download against you as a third party beneficiary thereof. Why did I receive it? Don't recommend anyone using the SmartPay app. Please promptly download and install all Updates. If Company has suspended your Account or your use of the Services due to your actual or suspected breach of the Terms, such suspension will continue until the suspected breach is cured or otherwise resolved to Companys reasonable satisfaction. There's more than one way to save. Get instant access to account information on your mobile devices, from wherever life takes you. For corporate Users, designated administrators will set up a primary Account, and will designate the individuals who are eligible to sign up for subaccounts. This also allows you to receive payments by direct deposit, the state's preferred method of payment. Unlike Users, who must be eighteen (18) years of age or older, Linked Users must be sixteen (16) years of age or older at the time of registration. Any Apps accessed through or downloaded from Apples App Store (an App Store Download) may only be used (i) on an Apple-branded product that runs the iOS (Apples proprietary operating system), and (ii) as permitted by the Usage Rules set forth in the Apple App Store Terms and Conditions. 2023Bank of America Corporation. We have partnered with National Payment Card (NPC), the leader in payment cards, to create the absolute best and most secure payment program possible. Equal Housing Lender new window. Holidays are (not) included. You can sign up for direct deposit by completing theStatewide Payee Direct Depositapplication. You can fill up and eat/drink using the app. From checking to lending and everything in between, our personal banking options will make you feel right at home. The SmartPay Rewards app is a convenient way to save 10 per gallon on gas, every day or pay for in store purchases. If you opt out, though, you may still receive generic advertising. And because we love you, we're increasing the savings. Please complete the Vendor Registrationform. As between Company and Apple, any other claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses attributable to any failure to conform to any warranty will be the sole responsibility of Company. To make your visits even more rewarding, every time you use the app you will. You are solely responsible for your registration information and for updating and maintaining it. By selecting Accept All Optional Cookies you consent to your personal information being tracked and disclosed for analytics and/or advertising purposes by optional cookies on our website. By rejecting any change, you are agreeing that you will arbitrate any Dispute between you and Company in accordance with the provisions of this Dispute Resolution section as of the date you first accepted the Terms (or accepted any subsequent changes to the Terms). Updates may also modify or delete features, functionality, tools or content in their entirety. Great coffee at a great price, fast, friendly service, and convenient locations make Cumberland Farms a daily habit for millions of customers. You acknowledge and agree that Company is not responsible or liable for (i) the availability, terms or practices of such websites, resources or services, or (ii) the content, products or services available on or through such websites, resources or services, including that any information provided is complete, accurate or up-to-date. Sign Up Today Download on the App Store These Terms, including these Terms of Use, our Privacy Notice, the applicable Supplemental Terms and any and all Platform Rules, constitute the entire and exclusive understanding and agreement between you and Company regarding your access to and use of the Platform and Services and supersede and replace any and all prior or contemporaneous oral or written understandings or agreements between you and Company and regarding the subject matter hereof. Cumberlands Farms payment app now offers linking to a payment card. Also, if you opt out of online behavioral advertising, you may still see ads when you log in to your account, for example through Online Banking or MyMerrill. Our website uses cookies and other tracking technologies, as described in our. and affiliated banks, Members FDIC and wholly owned subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation. Browse up-to-date listings for the home you want. App Store, GET IT ON This allows you, as a vendor, to receive payments from all participating state agencies. You acknowledge that, as between Company and Apple, Apple is not responsible for addressing any claims you have or any claims of any third party relating to the App Store Download or your possession and use of the App Store Download, including: (i) product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the App Store Download fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; and (iii) claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation. 1.2 Platform and Service Rules and Supplemental Terms. Smartpay Business is currently being offered on a limited basis please contact us at or 1-800-225-9702 ext. We answer our own phones and we never forget a face. The Platform may also provide links to third-party websites, resources or services including, without limitation, theNational Payment Card Association d/b/aZiplineand Wright ExpressFinancial Services Corporation. Buy Gas Save 10 per gallon, every day at your local Cumberland Farms or Fastrac convenience store. Our Guests are our number one priority. What is the Early Learning statewide vendor and Direct Deposit Registration form used for? Keeping an eye or three on your accounts has never been easier. Follow the directions below to update the email address for your GSA SmartPay Online Training account. The conversion of Columbia Bank accounts and services to Umpqua Bank is now complete. However, the amendment will apply to all other disputes or claims governed by this section that have arisen or may arise between you and Company. 2023 SmartPay Leasing, LLC. If you do not, portions of the App may not properly operate. Once account is approved, usually within minutes of applying you can immediately begin to use it. 4.3 Third Party Charges and Mobile Alerts. ABOUT THE TERMS. These deposits are subject to Umpqua Banks FDIC deposit insurance coverage. and U.S. Trust Company of Delaware. Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify or discontinue offering the Platform and/or Services, in whole or in part, or any features, functionality, tools or content thereof, at any time, for any reason or no reason, with or without notice to you. It typically takes 5-7 business days to process a registration form that is complete. Company may assign, transfer, delegate and/or sublicense our rights and obligations under the Terms, in whole or in part, in its sole discretion, without restriction.Subject to the foregoing, the Terms will bind and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns. This allows you, as a vendor, to receive payments from all participating state agencies. If you wish to designate a different payment method, or if there is a change in your designated payment method status, you must change your information in your Account. Learn about our products, access your accounts, pay bills, transfer money. This is an official U.S. Government Web site managed by the GSA. Enter your PIN. If you access our Apps via Apple, click here [LINK to text below] for Supplemental Terms and conditions that are applicable to you and are incorporated into the Terms by this reference. Joining is quick & easy Create an Account Follow the enrollment and credit application process to set up your SmartPay Business account. By accessing and using the Platform and Services, you consent to the collection and use of this information as set forth in the Privacy Notice. Acquiring, Competitive Strategies, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Marketing, Mobile Commerce, Mobile Wallets, Prepaid Cards, Transaction Processing. FIND A CUMBERLAND FARMS ABOUT US Our Guests are our number one priority. The second something goes wrong with the bank they will charge you $35, even on a $5 charge. FURTHER, UNLESS BOTH YOU AND COMPANY OTHERWISE AGREE IN WRITING, THE COURT MAY NOT CONSOLIDATE OR JOIN MORE THAN ONE PERSONS CLAIMS, AND MAY NOT OTHERWISE PRESIDE OVER ANY FORM OF CONSOLIDATED, REPRESENTATIVE, OR CLASS PROCEEDING. You acknowledge and agree that (i) these Terms are between you and Company only, and not Apple, and (ii) that Apple, Inc. (Apple) is not a party to these Terms other than as third-party beneficiary as contemplated below. . 4171 W. Hillsboro Blvd., Suite 5. If you don't live near Cumberland Farms locations, you can also try GasBuddy for extra savings at gas stations across the U.S.A. About Cumberland Farms SmartPay Check-Link 2023 Cumberland Farms, All Rights Reserved. Any notices or other communications permitted or required hereunder, including those regarding modifications to the Terms, will be in writing and given by Company (i) via e-mail (in each case to the address that you provide), or (ii) by posting to the App and Website. The products and services offered on this site are lease-to-own transactions - except in MN, NJ, WI, and WY where . Your selection applies to a particular browser and device so if you use multiple browsers and devices, you will need to exercise your choice on each. The information you provide on the registration form will be used to make payments to you as a payee and in any related investigations of a violation of federal or state laws. Save your business 10 per gallon, every day. About the Platform3. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Touch ID are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. You may not assign, transfer, delegate or sublicense any of your rights or obligations under the Terms, including by operation of law or merger or consolidation, without our express prior written consent, which may be granted or withheld in our sole discretion. July 1, 2019 Download the app or use the card and see the savings start piling up! ABUSE OF THE SERVICES MAY SUBJECT YOU TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL FINES AND PENALTIES. The credit application process includes a credit check and approval of the business/fleet, and is not a personal credit check and approval. Your Account and Account profile page will be created based upon the information you provide to us. Tried to see. A sense of community is important, especially for banks. for any other purposes that are not expressly permitted by the Terms. Because you. ACCORDINGLY, ONLY THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS IN THIS SECTION THAT ARE LAWFUL IN YOUR JURISDICTION WILL APPLY TO YOU, AND OUR LIABILITY WILL BE LIMITED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT REQUIRED BY LAW. Both of us agree that if we make any amendment to this Dispute Resolution section (other than an amendment to any notice address or site link provided herein) in the future, that amendment will not apply to any claim that was filed in a legal proceeding against us prior to the effective date of the amendment. In addition, no waiver granted in any instance shall constitute a waiver in any other instance. Any provisions of the Terms that contemplate performance or observance subsequent to the expiration or termination of these Terms of Use shall survive such expiration or termination. Get the right mortgage to finance your new home. The arbitration shall take place in New York County, New York before a single neutral arbitrator appointed in accordance with the AAA Rules and shall be conducted in the English language. Investing in securities involves risks, and there is always the potential of losing money when you invest in securities. This provision is subject to a few limitations in the Dispute Resolution section below. When downloading, installing, accessing, using or browsing the App, you must comply with any applicable third party terms and conditions, including any End User License Agreement, your mobile device agreement or any wireless data service agreement, and ensure that your use of the App is not in violation of any such terms or conditions. Review our Overdraft Protection options. It also saves money for taxpayers as it requires less processing. I've signed up for a bunch of these loyalty reward apps before and no one else has ever asked for that. We sent an email with the download link to, We sent a text message with the download link to, Stay flexible with Bank ofAmerica Advantage Banking, Convenient checking solutions to fit your unique business needs, Find the perfect credit card from among our most popular options. We reserve the right to cancel unconfirmed Accounts or Accounts that have been inactive for a prolonged period of time. diagnose, repair, and track service and quality issues; facilitate an order, return, or exchange; provide requested information; communicate with you about your loyalty program account, your SmartPay RewardsSM account, or our data practices; install and configure changes and updates to programs and technologies related to interactions with us; 3.2 Account and Services Suspension and Cancellation. Tap into the value of your home to help pay for something you need. Save 10 per gallon, every day at your local Cumberland Farms or Fastrac convenience store. Without limiting the foregoing, you acknowledge that Company has the right, but not the obligation, at any time and without prior notice, to monitor access to or use of the Services by any User if we believe in good faith that it is reasonably necessary (i) to comply with any law or regulation or satisfy any legal process or governmental request (for example, a subpoena, warrant, order or other requirement of a court, administrative agency or other governmental body), (ii) to respond to claims asserted against Company, (iii) to enforce and to ensure a Users compliance with the Terms, including the investigation of potential violations, (iv) to conduct risk assessments, and prevent, detect and investigate incidents or suspected incidents of fraud, security breaches and technical issues, (v) to protect the rights, property or safety of Company, its Users or members of the public, (vi) use any information obtained by Company in accordance with itsPrivacy Policy[Link]in connection with reviewing law enforcement databases or complying with applicable laws and use and/or disclose any information obtained by Company to comply with law enforcement requests or legal requirements in accordance ourPrivacy Policy[LINK], (vi) for the purpose of operating and improving the Services (including for customer support purposes), and (vii) discontinue the Services, in whole or in part, or, suspend or terminate your access to it and the Services, in whole or in part, including any Accounts or registrations, at any time, without notice, for any reason and without any obligation to you or any third-party. Our App may be available for download from third party app stores which are not owned or operated by Company. So it will obviously batch to your account that night so you will likely get either an overdraft fee or if your bank declines it an NSF fee and you'll have to pay the app back on payday but this little tip could really save someone in an emergency. You can use the vendor look up at theStatewide vendor number lookuppage. The SmartPay Rewards app is a convenient way to save 10 per gallon on gas, every day or pay for in store purchases. The developer provided this information and may update it over time. The app also has a number of loyalty features built in, such as flash sales and a coffee subscription service. How can I get transaction information about my account? Whether youre buying your very first house, third refinance, or building a brand new house we are here for you and ready to help. Additionally, if you clear your browser cookies, you will need to make your selection again. The Platform and Services, and all features, functionality, tools and content thereof, are protected by copyright, trademark and other laws of the United States and foreign countries. Intellectual Property Ownership7. OFM maintains a central vendor file for Washington State agencies to use for processing vendor payments. Please use your User ID/Password to Log In. Your access to and use of the Platform and Services are governed by the terms and conditions of these Terms of Use, our Privacy Notice, currently located on the Website (as described in more detail below), any and all other policies and rules referenced herein, posted on the Platform, or otherwise communicated to Users (the Platform Rules).Certain of the features, functionality, tools, content and promotions available on or through the Platform may be subject to additional or supplemental terms and conditions (Supplemental Terms). References to the Website include any and all features, functionality, tools, and content available on or through each such website. All rights reserved. Low rates on purchase and lease buyout loans, Resources for driving towards acleaner tomorrow, Reinventing what it means to be a confident investor, Take advantage of flexible, easy-to-use tools with Merrill Edge Self-Directed Investing, Investmentprofessionalsdesignandmanageaportfolio alignedtoyourgoalswithMerrillGuidedInvesting, Getoneononeguidanceanddevelopacomprehensive strategywithMerrillLynchWealthManagement, Your Bank of America deposits and Merrill investing balances get you more with Preferred Rewards, Bank of America Private Bank can help you manage the complexities of substantial wealth, Videos and tips to better manage your financial life. Attn: Customer Service. BY ACCESSING OR USING THE PLATFORM YOU ARE INDICATING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE TERMS, AND THAT YOU AGREE TO COMPLY WITH AND BE LEGALLY BOUND BY THE TERMS.If you are accepting or agreeing to the Terms on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to act on behalf of and bind that entity to the Terms.IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS, YOU MAY NOT ACCESS OR USE THE APP OR SERVICES. However, if you have your account number with you when you call, we can tell you if the deposit was made to that account and when. While certain Linked Users may also be independent Users of the Services, all activities by Linked Users when acting as a secondary Account holder for your Account will be tied to your Account including, without limitation, access to any available funds and promotional credits. Convenience-store operator Cumberland Farms released a new mobile-payment app with two payment options.
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