The event that leads to his downfall is an encounter with the fictional Bollinger Club, who debag him (remove his trousers) in the college quadrangle after a club dinner. The only thing that ever matters is when the electorate buys into the forelock-tugging, better-than-us nonsense. A photograph taken in 1987 depicting David Cameron and Boris Johnson among other members of the club, including Jonathan Ford of the Financial Times,[37] and retail CEO Sebastian James is the best-known example. It is an all-male dining club known for its posh, super-rich members . Even Boris has publically criticised the club, calling the notorious photo a truly shameful vignette of almost superhuman undergraduate arrogance, toffishness, and twittishness. Past known members include politicians like Prime Minister Boris Johnson and former Prime Minister David Cameron, royalty like the UK's King Edward VIII and Denmark's King Frederick IX, and nobility like Edward Windsor (the grandson of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent). Another banking dynasty, the Barings, also numbers eleven ex-Bullingdon members. The Bullingdon, or Buller, as it is sometimes known, just couldn't survive 11 years of bad headlines from 2005 to 2016, when three of its former members, David Cameron, George Osborne and Boris. [12], Following negative media attention and the Club's apparent depiction in the play Posh and its film adaptation The Riot Clubmembership has supposedly dwindled. Lavish rituals, opulent banquets, smashing up restaurants and trashing fellow students living quarters the activities of Oxford Universitys notorious Bullingdon Club are back in the headlines as former prime minister David Cameron is set to publish his memoirs. Exposure. One of the last incidents involving members to make the headlines was a brawl in an historic Oxfordshire pub in 2004 in which crockery and wine bottles were smashed. Despite four previous driving convictions, Smith escaped with a ten-year driving ban and a 4, 000 ($5, 639) fine. A century later, it had shifted into a drinking and dining club. The most recent post-prandial calamity of note came in 2005. Mutch, Nick. Thats class for you, innit? OUCA president, Ben Etty, stated that the Club's "values and activities had no place in the modern Conservative Party'". The Telegraph. The Club also meets for an annual Club dinner. Daily Telegraph. On the night of the Bollinger dinner, Waugh describes two college fellows cheering every sound of breakage and dreaming of the amount they can fine the offenders. Some rich / posh students join an old established dining club with a reputation for trashing restaurants. The book was published a year after the famous window-breaking at Christ Church in 1927, and both fictional and actual punishments are equally meagre. "You would treat them like fillies," admits a 34-year-old former old Etonian, who calls . With all of the shocking facts above in mind, it is no surprise that the Bullingdon has been widely condemned over the years. Leaked: Bullingdon Club invitation letter. Four members were arrested. (modern). If the thought of an all-male club hiring prostitutes makes you scent misogyny, you are indubitably correct. On several occasions in the past, when the club was registered, the University proctors suspended it on account of the rowdiness of members' activities,[2] including suspensions in 1927 and 1956. Boris and Cameron differed on Brexit, with the latter in favour of EU membership, and Boris an outspoken campaigner for the Leave campaign. So dissolute became his life that Waugh lost the scholarship and left without a degree. Prostitution has a long history in the city of Oxford. Leaked: Bullingdon Club invitation letter. The family has a long history of donating to the Conservatives, the party of choice for Bullingdon alumni. Speaking of the club during the 1980s, Boris Johnsons biographer Andrew Gimson commented: I dont think an evening would have ended without a restaurant being trashed and being paid for in full, very often in cash. Even to this day, unofficial gatherings of the club in pubs or restaurants are usually booked under an alias due to this historical reputation for wanton destruction. The Bullingdon Club was founded more than 200 years ago. The Daily Beast. A club photograph which includes Cameron and Johnson among members posing in their dress uniform has often proved the bane of their political careers, frequently reprinted in newspapers and mentioned in Parliament as evidence that they are out of touch with ordinary people. Boris is also swift to remind members of their vow of omert. TripAdvisor. Founded in 1780 as a hunting and cricket club, it soon became better known for its raucous, hard-drinking dinners and ostentatious displays of wealth. It made British headlines because two of the posing members, Boris Johnson and David Cameron, had gone on to careers in politics and at the time were, respectively, Conservative candidate for Mayor of London and Leader of the Conservative party. The Bullingdon Club dinners were the occasion of a great display of exuberant spirits, accompanied by a considerable consumption of the good things of life, which often made the drive back to Oxford an experience of exceptional nature". The really ambitious stay away from it, an Oxford undergraduate told the Evening Standard back in 2013. With dozens of elite drinking societies to aspire to, few Oxford undergraduates are keen to embrace the stain of the Bullingdon legacy. Typically, a restaurant is booked under a pseudonym, and the club proceeds to drink the bar dry, in some cases take Class A drugs, and then trash the place. ", "Cameron 'desperately embarrassed' over Bullingdon Club days", "Oxford hellraisers politely trash a pub", "Dixons Carphone boss could earn up to 4.9m next year", "Drunken hellraising for the super-rich how George Osborne met Nathaniel Rothschild", "Breaking the Bullingdon Club Omert: Secret Lives of the Men Who Run Britain", "Ludovic Kennedy, veteran presenter and campaigner, dies at 89", "David Dimbleby: Ringmaster of our democracy",, Clubs and societies of the University of Oxford, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 April 2023, at 12:31. The Bullingdon Club was founded in 1780 and was initially dedicated to hunting and cricket (the name probably comes from a cricket pitch in south-east Oxford, Bullingdon Green). The Eye of Faith. Tom Driberg claimed that the description of the Bollinger Club was a "mild account of the night of any Bullingdon Club dinner in Christ Church. The New York Times, 1 June 1913. In 2005, the club smashed 17 bottles of wine, every piece of crockery and a window in a fifteenth-century pub. It feels as though I should do something to mark the end of a truly heavenly era throw bread rolls around a restaurant, intimidate waiting staff, burn a 50 note in front of a homeless person all from that repertoire of jolly Bullingdon japes youd hear about. These are all provided by the Oxford branch of court tailors Ede and Ravenscroft. With Cameron and Johnson frequently savaged for their past membership, the clubs brand has become so toxic that aspiring young politicians today wouldnt be caught dead in Bullingdon blue. All rights reserved. 12th March 2020. Membership is expensive, with tailor-made uniforms, regular gourmet hospitality, and a tradition of on-the-spot payment for damage. I know very well what the patterns of behaviour were. [3] In 1805 cricket at Oxford University "was confined to the old Bullingdon Club, which was expensive and exclusive". Edward VIII is most famous as the only King of Britain to abdicate, but we can trace suspiciously Buller-esque behaviour throughout his life. If the thought of three Bullingdon men more or less running the country shocks you, it gets worse. The Bullingdon Club is an all-male dining club associated with Oxford University and known for its posh, super-rich members and their notoriously bad behaviour, including trashing restaurants. Another student told Tatler that the extremely unflattering portrayal of a thinly disguised Bullingdon Club in Laura Wades play Posh later turned into the 2014 film The Riot Club was almost single-handedly responsible for the clubs poor image to current Oxford students. In his retirement speech as proctor, Professor of Geology Donald Fraser noted an incident which, not being on University premises, was outside their jurisdiction: "some students had taken habitually to the drunken braying of 'We are the Bullingdon' at 3 a.m. from a house not far from the Phoenix Cinema. He eventually obtained it only on the understanding that he never join in what was then known as a "Bullingdon blind", a euphemistic phrase for an evening of drink and song. Cox, G.V. Recounting the incident, the landlord gives an insight into the mode of the club: upon being received at the inn, members were astonishingly polite. Camerons attempts to play down his involvement with the Bullingdon must be offset with the fact that he prepared for becoming Prime Minister by serving as club president from 1988. Nearby non-member students heckled the club as they left, with one even playing "Yakety Sax" (the theme song for The Benny Hill Show). In her first week at Oxford in 1983, she was approached by a member of the club to identify potential recruits a role she performed throughout her time as an undergraduate. David Cameron third from left, Boris Johnson fourth from right. One incident she recalled at Magdalen College involved a large galleried room that had just been refurbished with expensive wood panelling. Oxford hellraisers politely trash a pub. Such excess, however conducive to a career in politics or industry (see below), has to come at a cost. TIL Oxford University has a dining society called the 'Bullingdon Club' which is notorious for it's members habits of destroying the restaurant (or wherever else) they ate in, to the point that the society is now banned from meeting within 15 miles of the city centre. Having finished their salmon starter, the Bullingdon proceeded to break everything and viciously fight one another. In one scene, Anthony Blanche recounts how the Bullingdon tried to put him in Mercury in Christ Churchs Tom Quad, which is not so playful as it first sounds. It was the 1980s and in some strange, New Romantic way the waistcoats and tails may have seemed fashionable. Decline and Fall is an exuberant farce, but Waugh discusses the more serious side of the Bullingdon in Brideshead Revisited, which actually mentions the Bullingdon by name. Where did we find this stuff? It is clear that Randolph really got into the spirit of the club, for he is known to have become involved in a particularly Buller-esque escapade, when after a dinner he drank so much brandy and champagne that he awoke the next morning with amnesia and a sleeping prostitute. Although the most recent clutch of university-aged princes of Great Britain have avoided Oxford altogether, time was when it was inevitable that their ancestors would be obliged to attend either Oxford or Cambridge as was deemed proper for the upper classes. Emily Burack (she/her) is the news writer for Town & Country, where she covers entertainment, culture, the royals, and a range of other subjects. In recent years, the Bullingdon Club has gone into a decline. Indeed, when Cameron came to assemble his cabinet, he chose as his chancellor George Osborne, another Bullingdon alumnus, and welcomed Boris too in 2015. Jack Whitehall as Paul Pennyfeather in the BBCs adaptation of Decline and Fall, 2017. Posh, Laura Wades multi-award-nominated play, is the tale of a fictionalised-Buller called The Riot Club, and takes place on the night of a club dinner at a country pub probably based on the White Hart trashing of 2005. Recounting the incident, the landlord gives an insight into the mode of the club: upon being received at the inn, members were astonishingly polite. The Spectator. Where did we find this stuff? The rooms frightened occupant called the police, and the jubilant Buller fled the scene. The psychological Netflix thriller .css-gegin5{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:#9a0500;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-gegin5:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}Anatomy of a Scandal follows a disgraced politician James Whitehouse (Rupert Friend) as he's on trial for rape. An Observer Magazine article in October 2011 reviewed George Osborne's membership of the club. With all of the shocking facts above in mind, it is no surprise that the Bullingdon has been widely condemned over the years. The most prolific and, to the author's taste, best, critic of the Bullingdon Club is the novelist Evelyn Waugh (1903-1966). The club selects its members not only on the grounds of wealth and willingness to participate but also by means of education. Bartholomew Smith was the son of John Smith, a Conservative politician and wealthy banker, and at 22 was a wildly out of control Bullingdon man. The University responded to the hooliganism by forbidding the club from meeting anywhere within 15-miles of the city. Waugh was a talented student who won a prestigious scholarship to read history at Hertford College, Oxford. A number of episodes over many decades have provided anecdotal evidence of the Club's behaviour. Two Bullingdon members appeared in Nazi uniforms and goose-stepped back and forth in the upstairs galleried area. During his pig fucking days, David Cameron was a member of The Bullingdon Club. Oxford a couple of years ago and told me that a group trying to be the . Count Gottfried von Bismarck. The Telegraph. Mount, Harry. On such nights, any undergraduate who was believed to have 'artistic' talents was an automatic target."[44]. In a more egalitarian society, the oafish behaviour of the privileged classes is less tolerated than in previous ages. Instead, four of the group were promptly arrested and slapped with penalty notices after a night in the cells. 189 Cowley Road. So dissolute became his life that Waugh lost the scholarship and left without a degree. Mutch, Nick. They barged in and pulled the roll of film out of the camera. In excerpts of his new book, published in The Times, Cameron says the club haunted me for most of my political life. behind him. Remember the three members who escaped from the police after vandalising a restaurant in 1987? Cherwell. The book was published a year after the famous window-breaking at Christ Church in 1927, and both fictional and actual punishments are equally meagre. There is a bond of loyalty.. Amongst the assembled group were Sebastian Grigg, chief of UK investment banking at Credit Suisse, along with David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party and readying for the 2010 general election. Bullingdon Club: The secrets of Oxford Universitys elite society. The woman said: The whole culture was to get extremely drunk and exert vandalism. They performed sex acts, sometimes at the shared dining table, and sometimes elsewhere on the premises.. Count Gottfried von Bismarck as a young man. However, his experiences helped him to write his wonderful first novel, Decline and Fall, the satirical tale of Paul Pennyfeather, a poor scholar sent down in ludicrous circumstances who ends up embroiled with the upper classes and going to prison for white slavery. So, it only makes sense that the "Libertines Club" in Anatomy of a Scandal, the debaucherous fraternity James (Friend) and Prime Minister Tom Southern (Geoffrey Streatfield) belong to, is a fictionalized version of a real Oxford dining club. Here are our sources: Bullingdon Club Too Lively For Prince of Wales. In a 1927 news item in the paper, the Times reported members of the Bullingdon Club, "one of the most exclusive at the university," smashed windows of Christ Church in a night of raucous partying. They treated certain types of people with absolute disdain, and referred to them as plebs or grockles, and the police were always called plod. The characteristics he displayed at Oxford entitlement, aggression, amorality, lack of concern for others are still there, dressed up in a contrived, jovial image. A rumour about an initiation ritual in which new members burnt a 50 note in front of a homeless person also made national headlines in 2013, although the claim was never verified. It is notorious for champagne-swilling, restaurant-trashing, pleb-taunting elitism. It didnt even matter that such people felt entitled to power. The annual brekker (breakfast) is frequently attended by a clutch of prostitutes: We always hire whores, says Ralph Perry-Robinson, a veteran of the 1987 skirmish. The most infamous ex-Buller politician is, without doubt, Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902). All you need to know about everything that matters. [8] The New York Times told its readers in 1913 that "The Bullingdon represents the acme of exclusiveness at Oxford; it is the club of the sons of nobility, the sons of great wealth; its membership represents the 'young bloods' of the university". Infamously on 12 May 1894, after dinner, Bullingdon members smashed almost all the glass of the lights and 468 windows in Peckwater Quad of Christ Church, along with the blinds and doors of the building, and again on 20 February 1927. [46] The 2008 film adaptation of Brideshead Revisited likewise clothes Flyte in the Club tails during this scene, as his fellow revellers chant "Buller, Buller, Buller!" She died a couple of years ago., The woman who was the club recruiter said: Boris was one of the big beasts of the club. Although people living in monarchies have no choice in being ruled by ex-Bullingdon heads of state, membership of the club has not harmed the careers of former members entering democratic politics. Boriss mayoral campaign was successful, and David Cameron was elected Prime Minister in 2010. 23 reviews. One former lover became a Nazi spy, and Profumo is known to have written to her whilst serving as an MP. In 1927, they did it again leading to them being banned from meeting within 15 miles of Oxford. Boris has been publically observed to greet other former Bullingdon members with a bellow of Buller, Buller, Buller and a laddish embrace and, along with Osborne, is known to have attended Bullingdon events in recent years. Although the paper does not reveal exactly what Edward did on the blind in question beyond that he succumbed to temptation, it does offer the recent story of Buller men swimming to the Magdalen deer park, stealing a stag, and driving it up the High Street. The Week. Among the most famous incidents took place at Christ Churchs Peckwater Quad which, on two occasions in 1894 and 1927, had the lights and each of its 468 windows smashed by the club. Daily Telegraph. The main role of the prostitutes is to stand around and encourage the young men to drink themselves into a stupor (NB however the entry on Lord Randolph Churchill below). Pennyfeather, rather than the Bollinger, is expelled because of his limited wealth: Waughs biting depiction suggests that the universitys tacit toleration of the Bullingdon is linked to their families prestige and wealth. He says he remembers walking from my bedroom into my sitting room to find a group of people making a terrible racket, with one of them standing on the legs of an upended table, using a golf club to smash bottles as they were thrown at him. Bullingdon Club Too Lively For Prince of Wales. Glass is a favourite material for breaking, along with anything made of china. Waughs Decline and Fall was also adapted for screen by the BBC in 2017. Bullingdon Club: The secrets of Oxford Universitys elite society. The club was founded in 1780 as a hunting and cricket club. By 1894, the heavy drinking turned to bad behaviour Bullingdon members smashed all 468 windows in Christ Church's Peckwater Quad. Davis seemed to be referring to an incident that occurred in 1987, when a Bullingdon Club party in an Oxford restaurant ended up with a pot being thrown through a window. The Bullingdon Club, Oxford, 1987. Boriss mayoral campaign was successful, and David Cameron was elected Prime Minister in 2010. 0.1 miles from The Bullingdon. #522 of 578 Restaurants in Oxford. Though he went on to run several German telecommunications companies, his decadent lifestyle continued. He was up for anything. Boris, Dave, and George: The Power of Networking If you assumed that the Bullingdon's power had waned since the aforementioned were elected, you're in for a shock. In one scene, Anthony Blanche recounts how the Bullingdon tried to put him in Mercury in Christ Churchs Tom Quad, which is not so playful as it first sounds. The Week is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. The debaucherous fraternity James Whitehouse and Prime Minister Tom Southern belong to is a fictionalized version of a real group. Von Bismarck was found dead in 2007, with the highest levels of cocaine in his body that the pathologist had ever seen. ), That club is the Bullingdon Club, founded in 1780 at Oxford as a hunting and cricket club. When [her ex-boyfriend] was president, they had prostitutes at their dinners. Mount, Harry. The four foreign royals who were members of the Bullingdon are Rama VI of Siam, Frederick IX of Denmark, Prince Leopold Duke of Albany, and Prince Paul of Yugoslavia. New York Times. Pennyfeather, rather than the Bollinger, is expelled because of his limited wealth: Waughs biting depiction suggests that the universitys tacit toleration of the Bullingdon is linked to their families prestige and wealth. In 2008, the Bullingdon class of 1987 reunited at the Millbank Tower, Westminster, to raise funds for one of its most illustrious members, Boris Johnson, who at the time was running for Mayor of London. In an interview with the BBC's Andrew Marr, David Cameron said that the photograph was an embarrassment. Some are on the shop wall, while others . The 2022 Netflix series Anatomy of a Scandal, based on a novel of the same name by Sarah Vaughan, used the Bullington Club as inspiration for the fictional club featured within the story. Breaking the Bullingdon Club Omert: Secret Lives of the Men Who Run Britain. "[28], The Club's colours are sky blue and ivory. She also had an 18-month relationship with a man who became a president of the club. The Week. The novel ends as it begins, with Pennyfeather witnessing another round of trashings after a Bollinger dinner. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988. In the light of the Bullingdons ludicrous evasion of criminal proceedings, perhaps it was Housemans public profile as an ex-Chelsea footballer that saw Smith brought to trial. However, his experiences helped him to write his wonderful first novel, Decline and Fall, the satirical tale of Paul Pennyfeather, a poor scholar sent down in ludicrous circumstances who ends up embroiled with the upper classes and going to prison for white slavery. Indeed, so many political figures have served as members of the Bullingdon that current politicians have been reserved for the next section. More is known about the extent of Edward VIIIs involvement with the Bullingdon. HEAT African Restaurant. The most prolific and, to the authors taste, best, critic of the Bullingdon Club is the novelist Evelyn Waugh (1903-1966). Although not a Buller member, Lord Sebastian Flytes decline into alcoholism and seclusion is most propos depiction of the result of decadence suffered by many former members. New York: MacMillan, 2007. Indeed, 'Bullingdon' has become a by-word for upper class corruption, misbehaviour, and cronyism. Jo was in the Bullingdon at the same time as George Osborne, and they remain close friends. A ham-fisted 2014 film adaptation of the play, The Riot Club, exaggerates the set piece of the landlord being knocked-out by the panicked group to grotesque thuggery, which even critics of the Bullingdon labelled an unfair accusation, since real club members chiefly fight only each other. Succumbing to political pressure, he reigned for less than a year, before scandalously abdicating with Wallis Simpson, an American divorcee. Two hundred years later, it was infamous for its distinctive uniform of tailcoats with white silk facings, and its heavy drinking and wild behaviour. The Founder: Cecil Rhodes and the Pursuit of Power. A still from The Riot Club (2014), which is believed to depict the hedonism of the Bullingdon Club. His statue controversially still stands at Oriel College. were served. Based on Sarah Vaughan's bestselling novel of the same name, the book isn't inspired by a specific a true story, but rather Vaughan's experience covering British sex scandals as a courtroom reporter. The Bullingdon Club, Oxford, 1987. Woman who recruited members during the clubs 80s heyday reveals the true extent of members destructive behaviour. Her involvement with the club coincided with Boris Johnsons membership and overlapped with David Camerons. [11] The copyright owners have since declined to grant permission to use the picture. In the Daily Mail a report concluded that it was a "woefully weak make-believe vision of a university club". After more than 200 years, it appears the japes may be coming to an end. Rotberg, Robert I. [18][19][20] As a result of such events, the Club was banned from convening within 15 miles (24km) of Oxford. Other past members include former defence minister Alan Clark, broadcaster David Dimbleby and Princess Dianas brother Charles Spencer. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. In 2013, Johnson told the BBC he was embarrassed about being a member and said Bullingdon was a truly shameful vignette of almost superhuman undergraduate arrogance, toffishness and twittishness. [45] In talking to Charles Ryder, Anthony Blanche relates that the Bullingdon attempted to "put him in Mercury" in Tom Quad one evening, Mercury being a large fountain in the centre of the Quad. Mutual indiscretion clearly forges strong bonds, and it is theorised that the clubs arbitrary criminal acts are to ensure that members can be cajoled and blackmailed by one another. Now new light has been shed on the outrageous antics of the Bullingdon Club - the Oxford University group that may be about to produce its second British prime minister - by someone intimately. An obituary for the Bullingdon Club, by one of its old boys. [33] While under suspension, the club has met in relative secrecy. Publication of the photo above, and another of the younger Osborne in 1992, was suppressed for as long as possible by the Conservative Party. "[12], In December 2005, Bullingdon Club members smashed 17 bottles of wine, "every piece of crockery," and a window at the 15th-century White Hart pub in Fyfield, Oxfordshire. Edward VII: The Last Victorian King. ", By the 1980s, the Bullingdon Club was known for a "culture of excess," which, per the Guardian included "champagne-swilling, restaurant-trashing, 'pleb'-taunting elitism." Indeed, Bullingdon has become a by-word for upper class corruption, misbehaviour, and cronyism. The TV series Peep Show referenced the Bullingdon Club in the first episode of its final series.[48]. 12751. The Founder: Cecil Rhodes and the Pursuit of Power. He would take amphetamines throughout the day to aid concentration, and drink heavily every night, frequently throwing lavish dinners at which pig heads (those again!) Apollo Magazine. Two British monarchs, Edward VII and Edward VIII, were elected as members of the Buller. If I had known at the time the grief I would get for that picture, of course I would never have joined. Guests may be invited to either of these events. Pennyfeather is expelled for gross public indecency, while the aggressors are merely fined. It was dealt a further blow last year, when members were banned from holding positions in the Oxford University Conservative Association (OUCA). Many still see each other. It was hastily banned from publication by the Oxford photographers who owned it, around the time when hang on, let me think ah yes, when Cameron was gearing up to become Dave, the relatable/down-to-earth Conservative party leader, going on to become prime minister, leading a coalition government, with a cabinet stuffed with old Etonians and multimillionaires. Even Boris has publically criticised the club, calling the notorious photo a truly shameful vignette of almost superhuman undergraduate arrogance, toffishness, and twittishness. Amongst the assembled group were Sebastian Grigg, chief of UK investment banking at Credit Suisse, along with David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party and readying for the 2010 general election. And the most disturbing revelations of all about the Bullingdon Club is members' attitudes to women. In some ways, its a shame that the Bullingdon is on the wane. At Oxford, von Bismarck developed a reputation even amongst the Bullingdon for inconceivable excess. They have long-established networks, and they think its in their power to confer high office on anyone they choose. [23] A further dinner was reported in 2010 after damage to Hartwell House, a country house in Buckinghamshire. Its image has been tarnished by media reports of the tomfoolery that cost restaurant and pub owners their livelihoods until renovations were completed. The incident became known as the Profumo Affair, and is a popular subject for dramatisation. All the students who heard this late-night destruction were terrified, I remember., Bullingdon members found it amusing if people were intimidated or frightened by their behaviour. The most important, and most notorious, events in the Buller calendar are dinners. The event that leads to his downfall is an encounter with the fictional Bollinger Club, who debag him (remove his trousers) in the college quadrangle after a club dinner.
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